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Masters of Journalism and Media Studies Dissertation Studies: This research is incomplete and is being conducted for a Master
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Recommend Jesus

--------------------------------------------------- Don’t be a sheep. Don’t hate those deceived by the wolf; but feel anger at the deceiving pack of wolves! --------------------------------------------------- 2012 Slogan "It ain't our Fault" ask Bush Agenda21 he signed it, Clinton Ratified it, Tea Party denied it, NWO tried it, Truthers blindsided --------------------------------------------------- Oh I recommend Jesus for all your needs. He will set you free. I am coming to you as plain as I know how, you in doubt? ---------------------------------------------------

In, Know your Enemy Series, Enemy is a Spiritual Enemy, and not against any man or woman,

"A few laughs, a little news, a smile ... have an 'Ice Breaker Today' ... mild humor for real issues ... Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. (: Yes we are all weird. Ha. Ha. LOL." | More In, Know your Enemy Series, Enemy is a Spiritual Enemy, and not against any man or woman, and thus Christianity is a Spiritual war against Satin. Truth. Let every man speak. Let every man have the right to speak. Truth. Hear every man's voice. Then, only then, will you come about a truth. For the Bible is not violent and mean; but serves to remind us how violent, wicked, lying, treacherous, deceitful, prideful, mean, scheming, lustful, greed-filled, imperfect, change-mongering, over-controlling, etc. that many men and women are born, thus, may always be one of : "The wolves in the Sheep's clothing trying to kill or control the many Sheep!" or "The darkness in satan hiding behind the brightness of the light of God!" That is why man needs to find Jesus and every child should read that Bible to tone it down, repent, a bit. Rod.

Gods Name is God


 In this fictional short story, the author deviates from that of Standard American English for stylistic effects to tell the account of a character named Rod. In “God’s Name Is God,” it would seem that the Almighty Himself was talking to Rod. In a follow-up fictional book, The Book of Rod, the author writes about Rod’s conversation with the Archangel Gabriella in his dreams. Gabriella means "Woman of God." In these fictional short stories, the author discusses many aspects of the Bible. The author discusses many aspects of the Bible. The Bible is a collection of short stories with narratives and Wisdom Literature from Moses, Ruth, Ester, Nehemiah, Kings, Judges, Samuel, Chronicles, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and many more. At the end, Rod is left to address many questions asked through God Our Father such as “Why are there different books about Him?” The ‘Book of Values’ refer to the Bible and other God Written Texts. Why did God allow satin to remain on Earth; as satin had followers too. The story begins when Rod leaves home to search for the longed-for missing book.
God Name Is God
Rod had heard rumors about a missing book that was hidden from the eyes to “See” by the Vatican many years ago. Rod decided the word “missing” could mean many things: the word “missing” could mean “fail to reach or get to,” “be without,” or “fail to experience.” Rod thought each person should have a personal relationship with the Spiritual Father; hence, the Spiritual Father has different relationships with each man. Many books have been written at different times about these different relationships with and expectations from the Spiritual Father.            
            It is so beautiful there. You have to see it. You will want to go. The love of God Our Father:  Home Going. Jesus was the son of a carpenter. God delivered a powerful message to the World through Jesus.
Rod was son of a farmer. As a child, he had heard much about God, the creator, of the Universe, the Heavens, and the Earth. Rod grew up in a small town that still glowed with Venetian architecture. At the time, many Christian saw the Bible as a record of time that told about the beginning of Earth until its final destruction, an aeon of man's destruction.
Prophesy had prepared him. Rod, the Gemini, didn’t consider the Bible a history book, but he saw it as a living, breathing organism with corrective life. He had been well prepared to set out for a journey, a journey west. He must find this “missing book.” He traveled to a grand city that they called Sin City. Sin City is where God’s greatest battle on earth took place. This is where they found The Book of Rod many years after his return Home.
Rod made ten trips to the mountain top during his life in Sin City. Mount Charleston was a place where Rod went to get away from Sin City; hence, he felt a million miles away from the city. There were cool mountain breezes, fresh air and all-around scenic beauty at Mount Charleston. Mount Charleston featured trees like juniper, mountain green mahogany, Fraser Fir, White Pine; and animals such as chipmunks, songbirds, colorful lizards, deer, and desert turtles. There was snow. There was rain. There was the glow of the double-rainbow. The Free Spirits of the Mountain elevated Rod’s mind a million time that of his natural mind. He was elevated high into the spiritual world where he could sing out questions unto the night air and with as much assertiveness as Moses to hear the assertiveness as Moses to hear the well-developed voice, speaks to him, in the night air. Rod never understood why the voice spoke in third person sometimes, first person sometimes, asked rhetoric questions, yet asked questions at the same time answering the same questions likened to Socrates teachings at other times; but, Rod thought it to be Almighty Himself.
           Rod would begin each exchange with one basic question: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
Trip 1: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. Many different languages are spoken around the world because God so ordered it done; thus it does not lessen a spoken ‘tongue’ meaning because one does not understand the spoken words. The Bible said, ‘And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.’  The adjective ‘new’ comes from the Greek word ‘Kainos’ that only meant that the people of God were going to speak
in languages by way of translations and foreign languages they had not learned or used until that time.”
            Trip 2: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”                                           
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. The King of the Jews was God's only begotten Son about two thousand years ago. God Walked through One Man as God Our Father, His Son, and as The Holy Ghost / Spirit, all as One. This Man was called Jesus Christ. God walked the Earth in the Flesh as Jesus Christ The Savior. The Holy Ghost Christianity was Born. Christians serve the Lord through Jesus Christ Thy Savior. Christians do not necessarily serve all prophets that they say are of the Lord; only the chosen ones for Christians. It is in the Bible that Jesus Christ will return as God Our Father on Earth to Walk in His Footprints for a certain amount of time and to Judge all man, creatures, and decide Earth's final outcome. It shall be Written.”
Trip 3: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. God Spirit works through many Followers, Popes, Saints, Apostles, Angels, Judges and Kings. God Spirit should reflect from the Man in the Spirit of God. God is not always seen as a Just God. God has Omnipotence which means God has power to do all that is intrinsically possible, but may not choose to do the intrinsically impossible. You may attribute miracles to God, but not nonsense to God. God knows all from beginning to end on Earth. God knows what's best when giving
you his blessing even though you may not see it in your natural state. People who know of God's Heaven, do you yearn to go there as early as God permits. God has a task for you to complete before you come home, Home Coming.”
            God's ‘Will’ may take you there at a very young age if that task has been completed or even allow sin to destroy you at an early age. Complete the task!  Sin has constantly attacked God's Creations. According to the Bible, God made man in His Holy Image; his likeness. His Personal Relationship was formed. You must find it. The Judgment passed by God that was placed on one man, such as Islam, was of a different Judgment passed by God on another man such as Hebrews. God set the conditions for the different Tribes of Man that are to stand before God, Himself, in Judgment of such a Man in the end. To adhere to, you must find it, Your Tribe, and the Personal Relationship must be formed. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are ‘Abrahamic Religions’ traced covenant to Abraham (Israel). Blacks are a part of God covenant to Abraham (Israel). Blacks can be found in different Bible text. Israel was the forbearer of these three Faiths. 
Trip 4: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. There is only one God. Thus, God works through many Spirits for He is the World, the Earth, the Wind, the Seas, the Storms, and the Sky. God is testified by the Romans and Greeks. Differently, they separated one God into many gods; as they named many individual Godly powers, arts, attributes and God's Creations into many mythological gods like Zeus and Jupiter that served as the king of
gods, Apollo that served as god of light, Mercury that served as Messenger of the gods, Poseidon and Neptune that served as gods of the sea, Ares and Mars that served as gods of war, Hephasstus and Vulcan that served as gods of fire, Pan that served as god of woods and Pastures, Eros and Cupid that served as gods of love, Athena and Minerva that served as goddesses of wisdom, Artimus and Diana that served as goddesses of the hunt, and Aphrodite and Venus that served as goddesses of love and beauty.”
Trip 5: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. There is only one God. Thus, God works through many Spirits, for He is the World, the Earth, the Wind, the Seas, the Storms, Man and the Sky. God is testified by the Buddhist and the Hindu as their experiences are comparative to God Our Father and Jesus Christ walk on Earth. Differently, they separated One God into many gods and goddesses like Buddha, Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Lakshmi, Durga, Yoga,
Saraswati, Venkateswara, and Aiyappa.”
“There is only one God. Thus, God works  through many Spirits, for he is the World, the Earth, the Wind, the Seas, the Storms, Man, Creatures and the Sky. God is testified by the great masters of the Shaolin, the Monks, the Tigers, and other Disciples as they gave guidance, skills and taught valuable lessons in the Book of Values. Priest, Military Chaplains, and Warriors have often served God Our Father. There is only one God.”
“Thus, God works  through many Spirits, for He is the World, the Earth, the Wind, the Seas, the Storms, and the Sky. God is testified by the many Christian Saints such as St. Mary, Virgin Mother of Jesus wife of St. Joseph, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, St. Jude, St. Christopher, St. John of Damascus, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Luke, St. Matthew, St. Anthony, St. Micheal, St. Valentine, St. Thomas Becket, St. Roque de Santa Cruz, St. Rose of Lima, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Martin de Porres, St. John the Baptist, St. John the Apostle, St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Alphonsa, St. Angela Merici, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Thomas, and many more go unlisted.”

           “There is only one God. Thus, God works  through many Spirits, for He is the World, the Earth, the Wind, the Seas, the Storms, and the Sky. God is testified by the INDIANS and other TRIBES; JEHOVAH-JIREH or YAHWEH-YIREH, the FATHER, the HEBREW 'MESSIAH' (MESHIACH) JESUS CHRIST, the JEHOVAH, the YAHWEH, the LORD, the
SHEPHERD, the JUDGE, the YESHUA;  the EL-OLAM, the EL-GIBHOR, the ZUR, the SOTER, the KURIOS, the ‘FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT’ (ELOHIM); the EL SHADDAI, the ADONAI, and the EL is to the Moslem ALLAH. However, the attributes of Allah in Islam are entirely different from those of the God of the Hebrews. The Koran, Qur'an, Qorain, Quran, K'oraen was delivered hundreds of years later by The Spirit of Muhammad, ibn, Abdullah Mohammed.”
Trip 6: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. God is All. God Spirit worked through Mahatma Gandhi whom studied Hindu, and both the Bible and the Qur'an leaving him a great Seer for the World and India. He was the pioneer of Satyagraha, a resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon Ahimsa or total nonviolence, which led India into Independence of India and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Mahatma Gandhi inspired Martin Luther King, Jr.,  God worked through the Spirit of God in Martin Luther King, Jr. whom was the American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement."
              Trip 7: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?
“Thus, I say unto Ith you. As it was written, everyone has a father. ‘God Our Father’ is your father. Stay with us and let's talk about your father. If we have one ‘God Our Father,’ what does my father want me to know? So, I have two fathers? God is the Spiritual Father that does his work through the physical, natural man. It has been written for you to teach and to follow the Spiritual Father, His Books, and His Teachings because the physical father, or the woman that is a rib from the womb of man, was born in sin and will not do what is demanded of him to relieve such sin at times. The physical father may share this sin with you as guidance; though, instead you should follow "The Word" of the Spiritual Father. A broken home with no father does have the choice to choose, as guidance, the Spiritual Father.”
          “If we have one ’God Our Father,’ why do we not learn about him in school and why shouldn’t the ‘Book of Values’ be made available in Public Schools! In History, the ‘Book of Values’ and values have not been taught to groups of people for many different reasons. During early part of slavery in America, the ‘Book of Values,’ the Bible, was kept under lock and key from the slaves because slave owners didn't want slaves to have guidance, spirit and rise up from bondage. Things did change of course when Blacks discovered the ‘Book of Values,’ the Bible! Many ‘Books of Values’ should be read, explored by youth in the learning process so the young mind can’t be misled and lied to about what one or the other says. ‘Books of Values’ research papers should be required as a part of High School Graduation. Thus, parents are born into sin, some don't get out of sin, teach their children sin, have inferiority complexes when schools teach youth ‘Books of Values,’ that  expose their parents' sin, and often parents and students have fought public schools to stop teaching morality to their children, rejecting morality, replacing it teaching deviant enhancement subjects, abusive content, and addictive curriculum for sinners, felons, addictionist, hookers, abusers, homosexuals, ogs', and skulls. Unfortunately for you Children and Thy Kingdom, this has been very costly for jail systems around the world, $40,000 a year in the United States for one person. Seven million persons connected, bonded to slavery, to the system in 2008. The Prison System! If we have one ’God Our Father’ and I am a sinner, does my Father, God, still love me and how can I get into Heaven? Yes, to the first part. But, you, Christians in array or those sinners wanting to Receive Jesus Christ, need to make some changes to get into heaven and ask the Lord Thy Savior for forgiveness for all sins of yours through the name of Jesus Christ Thy Savior. Christians need to go through Baptism. Christians' Value Systems require you to love God, having a personal relationship to the Lord and have the spirit of God flow from your heart, your mouth, as key to getting into Heaven. Other ‘Books of Value,’ have different key requirements for their followers to follow. No, you are not guaranteed entrance into God Our Father's Heaven. This is ’God Our Father’ Judgment, his choice, and your relationship with him, not your circumstances with the world and not Man’s choice. If we have one ’God Our Father,’ why do we fight over the Father and should I believe what everyone says about my Father? Man has often fought over the things that he loves so much and so dear as ‘God Our Father.’ There have been many Prophets and you shouldn't believe everyone that quote scriptures from the ‘Books of Values’ because they have to be studied and put into the right context. We follow the ones that are designated by the ‘Books of Values’ of the Spiritual Father. Each person should and many have had different personal relationship and levels of personal relationships with the Spiritual Father. So, there will be a continuance of different books about these personal relationships with ‘God Our Father.’ God’s Mind doesn’t change! Hence, the Spiritual Father has had different relationships with each man and woman; again, a woman being a rib from the womb of man: Thy children of History. If we, the World, have one ‘God Our Father,’ why do we look different! Christians may need to make reference to the Virgin Mary in God's conception of man from the ‘Books of Values.’ Woman is mentioned as being necessary in conception, as giving each man his differences; but it doesn't make reference of man in the conception, because God is the Spiritual Father, and all man is made in the image of the Spiritual Father. The physical differences come from the woman, the mother. Other ‘Books of Values’ may have different alternatives to make references too why man is different.”
             Trip 8: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. The Bible indicates that there were more than just the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, much like today, it was recorded that, during war, Christian Enemies, entered the Holy Land, forced sexual punishment, sexual misconduct, sexual roguery, homosexuality, on whole cities, many Women, Men and Children were raped of their Christian Faith, put to serve under bondage of homosexuality and persecuted by sin aggressors. Sin aggressors laid out a plan to destroy the Jewish and Christian Faith throughout the world. They killed their men, weakened their warriors with homosexuallity and enslaved thier women and children into prostitution, whoredom and sexual mischief. Christians must protect against these sin aggressors. After these Satanic Pagans could not hide their injustices with laws, religions, or cults, raping little boys and girls; they attempted to hide their sins by murdering the Christian victims in mass numbers that they abused. A most vial crime, hidden by Governments and Cities, for decades, for centuries.
Trip 9: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. Today my Son, I identify to you thirty seven standards of God to take back to the people of Sin City. Remember them. And remember them well. Say unto the people:
“The Word — admonition, advisement, advocacy, consultation, counsel, directions, encouragement, forewarning, guidance and help   Matthew 4:4; Hebrews 4:12; Jeremiah 15:16
Prayer — excuse, fair shake, fighting chance, freedom, good fortune, good luck, and hope John 16:24; Matthew 21:22; Philippians 4:6, 7
Obedience — accordance, agreement, compliance, conformity Romans 1:5 Romans 16:19   Romans 16:26  1 Corinthians 14:34      Philemon 1:21   1 Peter 1:2
Witnessing — Matthew 4:19; Proverbs 24:11, 12; Acts 1:8; Romans 1:16; Matthew 28:19, 20
Salvation — The Bridge Verses: Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:27; Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:8, 9; John 5:24; John 1:12;
Revelation 3:20
Reassurance — 1 John 5:13; John 5:24
Guidance — advice, conduct, control, conveyance, direction, government, help, instruction, intelligence, leadership, management, navigation, supervision, and teaching  James 1:5; Isaiah 30:18; Proverbs 3:5, 6
Victory — 1 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 8:37
Christ the Lord — John 3:30; Galatians 2:20;
John 13:13, 14; 2 Corinthians 5:15
The Holy Spirit — 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; John 14:26
The Father — John 4:23; Psalm 103:13, 14
Love — be in love with, canonize, care for, cherish, choose, esteem, fancy, glorify, go for, have affection for, hold high honor, and idolize   John 3:16; Jeremiah 31:3
Presence — Isaiah 49:15, 16; Hebrews 13:5
Peace — Isaiah 26:3; John 14:2, 3
Provision — Romans 8:32; Philippians 4:19; Luke 6:38
Authority — Psalm 147:3-5; Psalm 62:11; 1 Chronicles 29:11, 12
Faithfulness — 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 1 Corinthians 1:9
Grace — 2 Corinthians 9:8; 2 Corinthians 12:9; 2 Peter 1:2, 3; Hebrews 4:15, 16
Strength — Psalm 18:2; 2 Corinthians 12:9
Attitude — Colossians 3:23, 24; Proverbs 13:10; Philippians 4:13
Humility — Philippians 2:3, 4; John 13:13, 14
Handling Pressure — Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 46:1, 10; Psalm 18:1, 2
Tragedy — Isaiah 63:9; Psalm 61:2; 2 Chronicles 14:11
Prosperity and Provision — Psalm 1; Psalm 23; Psalm 84:11
Waiting on God — Psalm 62:5; Psalm 27:14; Isaiah 40:31
Return of Christ — 2 Peter 3:14; 1 Thessalonians
Praise and Adoration — 1 Chronicles 16:10-12; 1 Chronicles 29:11, 12
The Tongue — Ephesians 4:29; Proverbs 17:27, 28; James 1:19, 20
Faith — Hebrews 11:6; Romans 4:17b, 20, 21; Hebrews 10:38
Christ's Disciple — Luke 9:23; Matthew 28:19, 20; John 8:31
Holy Walk — Isaiah 32:17; Colossians 2:6, 7
Looking for God — Psalm 107:9; Psalm 27:4, 8
Multiply the Life — Isaiah 43:4; Deuteronomy 1:11
Family Promises — Deuteronomy 6:6, 7; Genesis 22:18; Isaiah 59:21
Consequences — Galatians 6:7; Ecclesiastes 10:1, 8:11; 1 Samuel 15:22, 23”
            Trip 10: “God Our Father, what do you have for me today?”
           “Thus, I say unto Ith you. The King of the Jews was God's only begotten Son about two thousand years ago. God’s Mind doesn’t change!
God walked through One Man as God Our Father, His Son, and as The Holy Ghost / Spirit, all as One. This Man was called Jesus Christ. God walked the Earth in the Flesh as Jesus Christ The Savior. The Holy Ghost Christianity was Born. Christians serve the Lord through Jesus Christ Thy Savior. Christians do not necessarily serve all prophets that they say are of the Lord; only the chosen ones for Christians. It is in the Bible that Jesus Christ will return as God Our Father on Earth to Walk in His Footprints for a certain amount of time to Judge all that is man, creatures and decide Earth's final outcome. It shall be written.”
After Rod’s tenth journey from Sin City to Mount Charleston, all that the ‘Voice’ had to offer had been given. There was a silence. There was a dream. But, there were no more cool mountain breezes, nor fresh air, nor all-around scenic beauty at Mount Charleston. Mount Charleston trees like juniper, mountain green mahogany, Fraser Fir, White Pine and animals such as chipmunks, colorful lizards, songbirds, deer, and desert turtles were not spared in the massive wild fire. The free spirit of the Mountain was gone. A new presence existed at the Mountain top. A new presence existed in the Land. The Book of Rod had been delivered. Rod had returned Home. In the Beginning ... God's Mind doesn't Change!
Research. Garden Spot, eCommunity Business Center. Retrieved from:
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Acknowledgment: Thanks You Guys.
Thank you God Thou Father
                        University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Alumnus                                               
Author, Rodney A. Jackson, BS