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During my research, once a special system of anti-Christian administrators/teachers/instructors take over your students classrooms and schools, they tell the children if they don't won't to learn about their anti-Christian teaching to leave the school, there is no more room for that kind of thought. They bully your children into submitting to deviant behavior, accepting deviant behavior as their life style; in actuallity, acting out teachers' fantasies, in a hush-hush manner, on students; or bully teachers/assistance attempt to force those with decent dissenting views from the classrooms, schools, with harassment, grade deductions, discrimanatory vague dialogue when helping students with actual subject that they are taking, descrimination on test; a sort of segregated separation from the learning process. Teaching homosexuallity is one of these issues, teaching prostituion is another, thugery and criminal behavior are glorified by the teachers, and teaching drug use is a fifth. Manipulation of the innocent mind by suggestivity, using movies and readings as a weapon of their choice! Not your choice!
Koran says no to homosexuality: (
God, Bible says no to homosexuality: (
Treatment for Homosexuality Abuse is available, you should seek it out:
Journalism Article: Web site Blog Building in Journalism
Post: Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:07 a.m.
Blogs are Web sites in which text, hypertext, images and other links are placed in some chronological order. Blogs are seen by teachers, business people and the main stream as low cost effective ways to communicate information and knowledge on a global scale. (Online Universities)
Blogs can be personal, activist, education, technology, corporate, industry, celebrity, sports and / or hobby. ( This blog may contain some Permalink, internal links and external links.
Many blogs consist of Web pages, audio, statistics, graphs and other content. Blogs are places for the reader to engage in reflection, thought, conversation and commenting. (ASCD) Long Web links can be shorten at Web sites like too following college basketball globally at this blog link from
We do not render apologies for such free thought. We allow free thought - none of that hate-speech - bullying - apologies' request mojo! Man up and become thick-skin.
However, this blog does monitor different post for standards such as no excessive profanity, inappropriate phrases or words, non meaningful communication, inappropriate pictures, illegal drugs postings, and adult x-rated material content is prohibited from post. This Web site does not try to police the internet.
Wiki, open source and online office documents are ways to collaborate or interact with student and teacher platforms. Web sites like can be used by students or peers for document writing or can be used for cost effective education. The general purpose of a Wiki is to capture a communities knowledge and put it into a manageable format making it accessible to everyone.
100 Inspiring ways to use social media In the classroom. (2011). Online Universities. Retrieved from
Ethnography: Norms and Scripting
Educational leadership: how teachers learn: learning with blogs and wikis. (2011). ASCD. Retrieved from
Top ten lists. (2011). Retrieved from
Educational leadership: how teachers learn: learning with blogs and wikis. (2011). ASCD. Retrieved from
Top ten lists. (2011). Retrieved from
Ethnography: Norms and Scripting
All societies have norms and values. For my ethnography project,
I chose to go in the field as a participant to observe and study the culture. The study
considered gender scripting, norms, values, deviant subculture, religion and humanism
The study field was two journalism classes at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
I have cleared using the classroom setting to do fieldwork for my ethnography study
with the instructor of the classroom discussion, as per I don’t use the discussion
classroom as one of the classrooms.
As a reflection, I have viewed several academic ethnographies and would request and
suggest to the professors to allow more than three pages for good academic work in
ethnography writings when covering different topics. This study is an opinion.
My research has spanned a three month period from January 2011 thru March 21,
2011. The importance of this study is that by understanding semiotics, humanist theology, language, signs and communication theories taught in journalism, journalism is the starting point where America’s future is being re-shaped. In journalism classes, there are future businessmen who will shape the way America does business. There are journalist who will be reporters and journalist who will produce movies, film, TV and news. There are military officers being trained who will shape the military and whom they act upon. There are educators who will shape K-12 students’ minds. The educators will probably spend more time with students than many parents will. There are graduate students who will become future graduate professors.
To study the subject, it was necessary to learn the language of semiotics, messaging, and become familiar with the ideological assumptions that prevailed in the classes. I have condensed a lengthened period into maybe three hours of study for field notes. During the course of instruction, there is perceived to be a two level hierarchy of what is considered crossing the lines of deviance in the classroom. If someone questions the behavior as deviant, there are those who will rise up to suppress the freedom of speech and thought of what is deviant behavior in the classroom with different language techniques. Generally, this will be students participating in what is considered deviant behavior by Christians and Muslims, who follow the books of values.
While watching the journalism staff lecture, I noticed an underline pattern in both journalism classes to deal with deviant behavior in the classroom. The first class was with the instructor in charge of undergraduate studies in journalism. I observed Journalism 100 in January 2011. In the class, southerners are perceived by many as racist white hicks in the South for their belief structure. However, the south is the Christian belt of America with many millions of black Christians who get along okay with whites. The first week of class, the professor announced that he was a Marxist and considered himself to be best described as a humanist. Humanist ideology follows that if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it then it did not make a sound. This is very important to think about when considering global events. In the same week, the professor showed a travel video with a homosexual male laying on the shoulder of a male passenger dreaming about the two of them together, and then he was awaken by his disappointment by the strait guy. The professor has said that he grew up around a lot of catholic nuns. I think he said in Minnesota. Many in the class portray older people, more knowledgeable people, parent age people, as being out of touch and condescending to the new age youth exposure to today’s new knowledge. This is all that the observation field study produced for this class.
The second class that I observed was Journalism 101 in February and March of 2011. Again, the professor announces that he grew up around a lot of Catholics and is Canadian, but he doesn’t represent the Christian faith well in the classroom. He spontaneous announces to the class that it is okay to be a communist in America. Communist killed many Christians. His classes are filled with curse words setting the stage for deviant acts to be shown to the class. For example, one video was described by the professor as a guy playing a good guy in one show and here he is talking about fucking someone’s daughter. I included the word because if it seems to be appropriate for academic professors to use this type of language daily, then it should be as appropriate to use these words in academic papers on the subject. A series of videos have been shown with a Pulp Fiction scene portraying a Christian man assassinating college students for stealing money, drugs or something glowing in a suit case. A series of YouTube videos have been shown with Charlie Sheen in a sick state being paralleled to Christian Church portraits. A series of YouTube videos were shown with a young boy dressed in a costume while what appeared to be another teenage boy dancing on stage with balloons, but when they went to a close-up, there was a huge dildo toy penis shown. I don’t think my eyes were playing tricks on me even though I do set at the back of the class. The same series of YouTube videos were continued by showing more naked boys with their behinds being shown to the camera to the class. This series finished up by showing older men lecturing from YouTube explaining why youth has the right to see this type of material and the men attacked the rating system that stops youth from seeing certain material. Basically, the men considered the parental rating system as being a small bunch of hacks who just wanted to stop a young person’s right of viewership to see whatever they want. Along this time, several students walked out or had walked out of the class and I joined them by walking out also. The observation also concluded that there were a high number of F’s on the first exam. This could be possible related or correlated to students choosing not to attend this class or walking out.
The study must ask the opinion question: Is there a “lack of knowledge” or “new age student knowledge” shaping America? In Journalism 101, it is portrayed that Hollywood film makers and producers have been good people of Jewish religion of communist descent. But, Christians are paralleled with Nazis and homophobes. No one has been given an opportunity to even discuss opposition to such claims by the Professor. In history, according to much research, Hitler was not a Christian, but a secular socialist. And like the secular socialist, the communist, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Che, killed Christian Priest, took over churches, looted the wealth from Christians, and put gays in jail or killed them. A creditability and competence background information section is provided at the end of this research.
I spent a lot of time over the three month period observing how students, professors and assistants in institutions like universities deal with differences such as teaching deviant behaviors in the class room. Christians who follow the bible and Muslims who follow the Koran consider homosexuality as a sexual deviant behavior. (Bible, Koran)The research has determined that specific gender scripting is promoting homosexuality in the classrooms.Christians are not homophobic, but do consider are born deviant, as some call this blind spirit in us and man, “the blind spirit of the little blind devils.” Of course, after we hear the word of God, then we began the process and attempt to improve our lives with knowledge and goodness, though we often transgress to deviant acts and start over trying to attain the same process.
homosexuality and many other acts in society as deviant acts in nature. However, Christians
I spent a lot of time over the three month period observing how students, professors and assistants in institutions like universities deal with differences such as teaching deviant behaviors in the class room. Christians who follow the bible and Muslims who follow the Koran consider homosexuality as a sexual deviant behavior. (Bible, Koran)The research has determined that specific gender scripting is promoting homosexuality in the classrooms.Christians are not homophobic, but do consider are born deviant, as some call this blind spirit in us and man, “the blind spirit of the little blind devils.” Of course, after we hear the word of God, then we began the process and attempt to improve our lives with knowledge and goodness, though we often transgress to deviant acts and start over trying to attain the same process.
homosexuality and many other acts in society as deviant acts in nature. However, Christians
In addition, I have learned and am able to infer and was able to conclude that the norms or standards are lowered in the classroom to attack Christians as a show of conformity to deviant behavior as being the norm. I’ve found that if no one is around to enforce certain social norms in the classroom that then the norms themselves change in the classroom settings. What is deviant is norm. What is good is now deviant and there is a will to attack those who oppose deviant behavior as a norm in the classroom. I can’t draw a conclusion on the long term effects or implication of this new teaching of deviant behavior as norms in the academic classroom, but a glimpse of humanistic behavior teaching in history is recommended for the audience to carefully observe. But, this is just my opinion.
The 20th Century has been the bloodiest century in all of history. And humanism has proven to be the most destructive religion of all time. Far more people have been killed in the name of atheism than by all other religions combined. (
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The master plan is to take down the government and let other nations occupy parts of the United States. They want to create a reeducation program and those who will defy them will be terminated. This is from Ayers own words. (
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Free Essay Analysis of Semiotics: Propaganda and Psychological Warfare. (
The founder of plan parenthood: Margaret [Higgins] Sanger “She [ Sanger] repeatedly referred to the lower classes and unfit as 'human waste' not worthy of assistance, and proudly quoted the extreme eugenic view that human 'weeds' should be 'exterminated.'" Edwin Black, War Against The Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign To Create A Master Race (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2004), 127.”(
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