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Masters of Journalism and Media Studies Dissertation Studies: This research is incomplete and is being conducted for a Master
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Recommend Jesus

--------------------------------------------------- Don’t be a sheep. Don’t hate those deceived by the wolf; but feel anger at the deceiving pack of wolves! --------------------------------------------------- 2012 Slogan "It ain't our Fault" ask Bush Agenda21 he signed it, Clinton Ratified it, Tea Party denied it, NWO tried it, Truthers blindsided --------------------------------------------------- Oh I recommend Jesus for all your needs. He will set you free. I am coming to you as plain as I know how, you in doubt? ---------------------------------------------------

In, Know your Enemy Series, Enemy is a Spiritual Enemy, and not against any man or woman,

"A few laughs, a little news, a smile ... have an 'Ice Breaker Today' ... mild humor for real issues ... Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. (: Yes we are all weird. Ha. Ha. LOL." | More In, Know your Enemy Series, Enemy is a Spiritual Enemy, and not against any man or woman, and thus Christianity is a Spiritual war against Satin. Truth. Let every man speak. Let every man have the right to speak. Truth. Hear every man's voice. Then, only then, will you come about a truth. For the Bible is not violent and mean; but serves to remind us how violent, wicked, lying, treacherous, deceitful, prideful, mean, scheming, lustful, greed-filled, imperfect, change-mongering, over-controlling, etc. that many men and women are born, thus, may always be one of : "The wolves in the Sheep's clothing trying to kill or control the many Sheep!" or "The darkness in satan hiding behind the brightness of the light of God!" That is why man needs to find Jesus and every child should read that Bible to tone it down, repent, a bit. Rod.

Know the Many Anti-Christs

Page Title: anti-christ
   The devil's spirit exist in some of man; but the spirit of man can repent and be Holy (wholly) again.. Sin is not a man; but a spirit in man from the devil satan. The anti-christ is the one spirit of the devil satan; unclear to the name and nature that refuses to recognize their/his/her acts as sinful in accordance to the Bible's Scripture, or other Books of Values, and characteristic of non-repentance spirit in sin to forever stay trapped in their sin; but still desires entry into Heaven Gates by force in a sinful manner, through Jesus Christ , thou Savior. To Muslim scholars Dajjal and antichrist are different names for the same personality or spirit of the devil satan that threatens Muslims in the same manner, as well. The devil's spirit to rule on earth, as in hell, through his decifers, are at rift with God's Prophets and Followers to rule on earth, as is in heaven.

  The antichrist, according to Christianity, is one who fulfills Biblical prophecies concerning an adversary of Christ while resembling him in a deceptive manner. He would be the deceptor and may fool Christians announcing himself as Christian; while announcing to his followers he is the anti-christ. "antichrist" appears 5 times in 1 John and 2 John of the New Testament. (1)

To Muslim scholars Dajjal and antichrist are different names for the same personality.antichrist attempted to replace worship of Yahweh with veneration of himself, and was referred to in the Daniel 8:32-25 prophecy. (2)

His command to worship false gods and desecration of the temple was seen by Jerome as prefiguring the antichrist. Basically, he would discredit the Church and force people to worship the Damned Church.Those that would teach the false Church Doctrine were called the "many antichrist" (3)
The antichrist (Dajjal), as a single individual, might connect with the Jewish origin, he fancies that the mention of "Dan," in Jeremiah 8:16, and the omission of that name from those tribes listed in Revelation 7. (4)
1 John chapter 2 refers to many antichrists present while warning of one antichrist that is coming and they belong to the same spirit as that of the one antichrist. They would celebrate his arrival. John wrote that such antichrists deny "that Jesus is the Christ", "the Father and the Son", and would "not confess Jesus came in the flesh. Likewise, the one antichrist denies YHVH, Yahweh, Prophet Muhammad (Mohammad, Mohammed, Muhammed), Jehovah, etc. (5)
Paul writes that this Man of Sin will possess a number of characteristics. These include "sitting in the temple", opposing himself against anything that is worshiped, claiming divine authority, working all kinds of counterfeit miracles, promises and signs,and doing all kinds of evil. The fall of Rome [most powerful nation] was to make way for the antichrist. (6)
Paul notes that "the mystery of lawlessness" was working in secret already during his day and will continue to function until being destroyed on the Last Day. (7)
His identity is to be revealed after that which is restraining him is removed. He will reveal his identity and ask you to follow him; if you do follow him, then you are damned to his hell. (8)

Mission: (9)
1 - Keep the Christians and People of God Deceived; the anti-christ is seen as the replacement of God, and will be hailed by his followers as a saint; thus upon his arrival, "the many anti-christ" attacks upon God will increase "God is a nut", "God  is hateful", "God is a bunch of stupid stuff", "God  is full of hate", "God is radical", "God  is extreme", "God is Prejudice", "God is a racist", etc.
2 - Destroy the Church which represent the Spirit of God; the Christian Church represent Jesus; The Mosque represent Prophet Muhammad (Mohammad, Mohammed, Muhammed); The Synagogue represents Judaism; Temple represents Rome, Greek, Buddhism etc.
3 - Maintain a Great Army and Army of followers; a "many-antichrist may disguise his actions as being "of God" or "in the name of God" or "in the name of Religion or Faith"
4 - Destroy and disarm any potential resistance and all movements against the anti-christ
5 - The bible predicts destruction of the anti-christ; he will probably try to disarm the destructor
6 - Destroy God's Spirit, The "Books of Values", The Church and all things related to or mentioning God's Spirit
7-  It is referenced in the Bible that the anti-christ spirit will infiltrate the Chruch and Positions. Infiltrate of the Church as Bishops, Priest, Others, such as, Sunday School Teachers by the many-anti-christ. A lot of Churches will be damned and will have damned-followers whom are in which part of the many-anti-christ spirit. Best method, to handle the attack from the many-anti-christ infiltrating top ranks in the Churches is to list the individual Churches as damned, not recognize such damnations as Christian, stay far away from support of these individual damned Churches for they are the attempt by the many-anti-christ to cause rift in the Church Community. Christians will not follow the many-anti-christ in Church; fore the hidden many-anti-christ in its church will make mockery of Christ and the Bible and follow the many-anti-christ movement as his/her mission is to destroy the Church.

It is important that we study and to understand the anti-christ, the Dajjal, to the none followers and followers, so the none followers will understand his mission, and can identify him by his action, and they will understand the Worlds reaction every time, and any time, he lifts his ugly head up in the World to destroy such a World for them to live in. (10)

Christianity is ranked as the largest religion in the world today with approximately 2 billion adherents.

Muslims populate about 1.4 billion adherents.

Approximately: 3.4 Billion followers
In the same, Masih ad-Dajjal (Arabic: ...  literally "The Impostor Messiah") is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology. (14)
Abraham is widely regarded as the Patriarch of monotheism and the common father of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Through His second son, Isaac, came all Israelite prophets including such towering figures as Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus. May peace and blessings be upon them all. The advent of these great prophets was in partial fulfillment of God's promises to bless the nations of earth through the descendents of Abraham (Genesis12:2-3). Such fulfillment is wholeheartedly accepted by Muslims whose faith considers the belief in and respect of all prophets an article of faith. (15)
